Secure AI Computations
with 2PM.Network

Privacy-Computing AI Networks for the Public
Public, Privacy, Models (2PM)

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The problems of AI training & computing today

Problem Statements

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Data Privacy

Growing concerns over data privacy and security in AI training and computation.

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Data Traceability

Difficulty in verifying the source and integrity of data and computation process.

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AI Accessibility

No access to AI models trained by privacy data for the public.


2PM Use Cases

Private Conversation

  • Personal data to train customized conversational LLMs
  • Conversation data is encrypted and protected with zero-knowledge
  • Integrate LLMs into blockchain DApps
  • Encrypt annotated data from contributors
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Diagnosis of Diseases

  • Share patient data for collaborative research
  • Encrypted records for patient data protection
  • Multi-party computation without revealing raw data
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Personal Financial Analysis

  • Customized financial planning
  • Risk assessment model training by multiple financial institutions
  • Improve credit of personal financial data
  • Personal financial privacy protection
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AI Copyright Fragmentation

Enable the fragmentation of AI model copyrights and revenue distribution through the Story Protocol or ERC6551, incentivizing data contribution and model usage.

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Re-staking for Verification

Motivate users to re-stake through the usage plan to obtain active verification services.

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Modular Private AI

Allow anyone to establish a privacy-computing node network, train AI models, and provide APIs.

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AI Oracle Network

Serve as an oracle network to provide AI inference results for EVM blockchains, supporting applications such as prediction markets.

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2PM Contributions

Benefits for Ecosystems

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Network Uitility

Provides scenarios where native network tokens are used to train or access AI models.

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Network Security

Staking enhances the security and stability of the network by encouraging long-term holding.

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Broader Adoption

By offering valuable AI services, 2PM.Network attracts new users to the ecosystem.

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AI Collaboration

Privacy Computing Network

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Discover a groundbreaking approach to AI model development and deployment with 2PM.Network. Our decentralized platform empowers creators, researchers, and businesses to collaborate securely

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